List of mammals of Maryland

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This is a list of mammals of Maryland, those mammals native to or immediately off the coast of the U.S. state of Maryland.[1]

Maryland does not have a designated state mammal, but does designate the Calico cat as its state cat, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever as its state dog, and the Thoroughbred as its state horse. Seven species of mammals in Maryland have been extirpated: the gray wolf, elk, American bison, cougar, snowshoe hare, American marten and eastern harvest mouse. Additionally, some have been introduced. The coypu, an invasive species, has since been extirpated through culling efforts.[2]



Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Opossum 2.jpg Didelphis virginiana Virginia opossum


North American opossum

Didelphidae Least Concern


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Little brown bat (5600306085).jpg Myotis lucifugus little brown bat Verspertillionidae Endangered
Indiana Bat FWS.jpg Myotis sodalis Indiana bat Verspertillionidae NearThreatened
Eastern small-footed bat.jpg Myotis leeibi eastern small-footed bat Verspertillionidae Endangered
Northern long-eared bat (5881232758).jpg Myotis septentrionalis northern long-eared bat Verspertillionidae Near Threatened
Silver-haired bat.JPG Lasionycteris noctivagans silver-haired bat Verspertillionidae Least Concern
Perimyotis subflavus picture.jpg Perimyotis subflavus tricolored bat Verspertillionidae Vulnerable
Big brown bat crawl.png Eptesicus fuscus big brown bat Verspertillionidae Least Concern
Lasiurus borealis 2.jpg Lasiurus borealis red bat Verspertillionidae Least Concern
Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus).webm Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat Verspertillionidae Least Concern
Nycticeius humeralis Evening bat.JPG Nycticeius humeralis evening bat Verspertillionidae Least Concern


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
MaskedShrew23.jpg Sorex cinereus cinereus shrew Soricidae Least Concern
Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew.jpg Sorex longirostris southeastern shrew Soricidae Least Concern
Northern water shrew with young.jpg Sorex palustris American water shrew

northern water shrew

Soricidae Least Concern
Smoky shrew.jpg Sorex fumeus smoky shrew Soricidae Least Concern
Long-Tailed Shrew 02.png Sorex dispar long-tailed shrew Soricidae Least Concern
Sorex hoyi American pygmy shrew Soricidae Least Concern
NShortTailedShrew23.jpg Blarina brevicauda northern short-tailed shrew Soricidae Least Concern
Shrew1opt.jpg Cryptotis parva least shrew Soricidae Least Concern
The quadrupeds of North America (Plate LXXIV) (7748318398).jpg Parascalops breweri hairy-tailed mole Talpidae Least Concern
Eastern Mole (Scalopus aquaticus).jpg Scalopus aquaticus eastern mole Talpidae Least Concern
Condylura.jpg Condylura cristata star-nosed mole Talpidae Least Concern


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) - Kitchener, Ontario.jpg Sylvilagus floridanus eastern cottontail Leporidae Least Concern
Sylvilagus obscurus 3.jpg Sylvilagus obscurus Appalachian cottontail Leporidae Near Threatened
Lepus americanus.jpg Lepus americanus snowshoe hare Leporidae Possibly Extirpated
Jackrabbit2 crop.JPG Lepus californicus black-tailed jackrabbit Leporidae Introduced


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Chipmunk Eastern1.jpg Tamias striatus eastern chipmunk Sciuridae Least Concern
Marmota monax UL 04.jpg Marmota monax groundhog



Sciuridae Least Concern
Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) 02.jpg Sciurus carolinensis eastern gray squirrel Sciuridae Least Concern
Sciurus niger1.jpg Sciurus niger cinereus eastern fox squirrel

Delmarva fox squirrel

Sciuridae Least Concern
American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) - Cambridge, Ontario.jpg Tamiasciurus hudsonicus red squirrel Sciuridae Least Concern
Glaucomys volans roof.jpg Glaucomys volans southern flying squirrel Sciuridae Least Concern
Castor canadensis provancher2.jpg Castor canadensis American beaver Castoridae Least Concern
Oryzomys palustris in vegetation.jpg Oryzomys palustris marsh rice rat Sigmodontidae Least Concern
Reithrodontomys humulis 2.jpg Reithrodontomys humulis eastern harvest mouse Sigmodontidae Extirpated
Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) (9310532204).jpg Peromyscus maniculatus eastern deer mouse Sigmodontidae Least Concern
Rhus typhina-Peromyscus leucopus-female.jpg Peromyscus leucopus white-footed deer mouse Sigmodontidae Least Concern
Neotoma magister.jpg Neotoma magister Allegheny woodrat Sigmodontidae Least Concern
Zapus hudsonius.jpg Zapus hudsonius meadow jumping mouse Dipodidae Least Concern
Woodland jumping mouse-closeup.jpg Napaeozapus insignis woodland jumping mouse Dipodidae Least Concern
Roofrat Hagenbeck 02.jpg Rattus rattus black rat

roof rat

ship rat

house rat

Murinae Least Concern (Introduced)
Norway or Brown Rat 05.jpg Rattus norvegicus Norway rat

brown rat

sewer rat

wharf rat

street rat

Murinae Least Concern (Introduced)
Мышь 2.jpg Mus musculus house mouse Murinae Least Concern (Introduced)
Red-backed vole.jpg Clethrionomys gapperi southern red-backed vole

Gapper's red-backed vole

Cricetidae Least Concern
Microtus pennsylvanicus.jpg Microtus pennsylvanicus meadow vole Cricetidae Least Concern
Microtus chrotorrhinus rock vole Cricetidae Least Concern
Woodland Vole Microtus Pinetorum.jpg Microtus pinetorum woodland vole Cricetidae Least Concern
Ondatra zibethicus FWS.jpg Ondatra zibethicus muskrat Cricetidae Least Concern
Synaptomys cooperi.jpg Synaptomys cooperi southern bog lemming Cricetidae Least Concern
Erethizon dorsatum (34207223546).jpg Erethizon dorsatum north American porcupine Erethizontidae Least Concern
Nutria incinta che nuota nel fiume Adigetto, Rovigo.jpg Myocastor coypus coypu


Echimyidae Least Concern (Introduced), Extirpated


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Kogia breviceps.jpg Kogia breviceps pygmy sperm whale Kogiidae Least Concern
Dwarf sperm whale (NOAA Pitman).jpg Kogia simus dwarf sperm whale Kogiidae Least Concern
Sperm whale mother with calf.jpg Physeter macrocephalus sperm whale


Physeteridae Vulnerable
Ziphius cavirostris.jpg Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphidae Least Concern
True's beaked whale.jpg Mesoplodon mirus True's beaked whale Ziphidae Least Concern
Delphinus delphis with calf.jpg Delphinus delphis short-beaked common dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Tursiops truncatus 01.jpg Tursiops truncatus common bottlenose dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Stenella frontalis.jpg Stenella frontalis Atlantic spotted dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Stenella coeruleoalba Ligurian Sea 02.jpg Stenella coeruleoalba striped dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Atlantic white-sided dolphin B.jpg Leucopleurus acutus Atlantic white-sided dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Grampus griseus Reconstitution.jpg Grampus griseus Risso's dolphin Delphinidae Least Concern
Killer whale in Alaska.jpg Orcinus orca killer whale


Delphinidae Least Concern
Globicephala melas Cape Breton 1.jpg Globicephala melas long-finned pilot whale Delphinidae Least Concern
Globicephala macrorhynchus Kurzflossen-Grindwal DSCF8148.JPG Globicephala macrorhynchus short-finned pilot whale Delphinidae Least Concern
Peponocephala electra Mayotte.jpg Peponocephala electra melon-headed whale Delphinidae Least Concern
Phocoena phocoena.2.jpg Phocoena phocoena harbour porpoise Phocoenidae Least Concern
Blue Whale 001 noaa body color.jpg Balaenoptera musculus blue whale Balaenopteridae Endangered
Finhval (1).jpg Balaenoptera physalus fin whale Balaenopteridae Vulnerable
Sei whale mother and calf Christin Khan NOAA.jpg Balaenoptera borealis sei whale Balaenopteridae Endangered
Balaenoptera acutorostrata NOAA.jpg Balaenoptera acutorostrata common minke whale Balaenopteridae Least Concern
Humpback Whale underwater shot.jpg Megaptera novaeangliae humpback whale Balaenopteridae Least Concern
North Atlantic right whale - Earth Is Blue.jpg Eubalaena glacialis north Atlantic right whale Balaenidae Critically Endangered


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Two west Indian manatee trichechus manatus foraging for food.jpg Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee Trichechidae Least Concern, vagrant


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
Coyote in grass.jpg Canis latrans coyote Canidae Least Concern
Front view of a resting Canis lupus ssp.jpg Canis lupus gray wolf Canidae Extirpated
Red wolf (4531335218).jpg Canis lupus rufus red wolf Canidae Extirpated
Gray Fox.jpg Urocyon cinereoargenteus gray fox Canidae Least Concern
Ezo red fox; July 2020 (04).jpg Vulpes vulpes red fox Canidae Least Concern
Yellowstone-black-bear-07895.jpg Ursus americanus black bear Ursidae Least Concern
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) 2.jpg Procyon lotor raccoon Procyonidae Least Concern
Striped skunk, close (21303507080).jpg Mephitis mephitis striped skunk Mephitidae Least Concern
Spilogale putorius.jpg Spilogale putorius Eastern spotted skunk Mephitidae Vulnerable
LutraCanadensis fullres.jpg Lontra canadensis American river otter Mustelidae Least Concern
American marten (pine marten) (25571252807).jpg Martes americana American marten Mustelidae Extirpated
Mustela-nivalis.jpg Mustela nivalis least weasel Mustelidae Least Concern
Ermine- Bacon Fiend (14083889879).jpg Mustela richardsonii American ermine Mustelidae Not Evaluated
Mustela frenata (5848795808).jpg Neogale frenata long-tailed weasel Mustelidae Least Concern
NeovisonVison.jpg Neogale vison mink Mustelidae Least Concern
Martes Pennanti.jpg Pekania pennanti fisher Mustelidae Least Concern
Klappmuetze MK.jpg Cystophora cristata hooded seal Phocidae Vulnerable
Grey seals.jpg Halichoerus grypus grey seal Phocidae Least Concern
Juvenile Harp Seal (8590147625).jpg Pagophilus groenlandicus harp seal Phocidae Least Concern
Curious harbor seal 462.jpg Phoca vitulina harbor seal Phocidae Least Concern
Bobcat, Benson, AZ.jpg Lynx rufus bobcat Felidae Least Concern
8th Place - Mountain Lion (7487178290).jpg Puma concolor mountain lion



Felidae Extirpated


Image Scientific name Common name Family Conservation status
American bison k5680-1.jpg Bison bison American bison Bovidae Extirpated
Cervus canadensis (North American elk) 3 (8291421602).jpg Cervus canadensis elk Cervidae Extirpated
Deer of Nara, Japan; August 2018 (06).jpg Cervus nippon sika deer Cervidae Least Concern, introduced
White Tailed Deer, Westcolang, PA.jpg Odocoileus virginianus white-tailed deer Cervidae Least Concern


  1. ^ "Maryland Mammals". Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved February 5, 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Price, Angela. "Partnership eradicates destructive nutria from Maryland". MyEasternShoreMD. Dorchester Star. Retrieved 23 September 2022.

External links