Recognition of same-sex unions in Latvia

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Latvia does not recognize same-sex marriage but same-sex couples are able to register their partnerships with the government through the courts. On 12 November 2020, the Constitutional Court of Latvia ruled that the Latvian Constitution entitles same-sex couples to receive the benefits and protections afforded by Latvian law to married opposite-sex couples, and gave the Saeima until 1 June 2022 to enact a law protecting same-sex couples. In December 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that should the Saeima fail to pass civil union legislation before the 1 June deadline, same-sex couples may apply with a court to have their relationship recognized and enjoy similar rights and benefits to married couples. The Saeima failed to approve such legislation by the deadline, and the first same-sex union was recognized by the Administrative District Court on 30 May. A bill to establish a formal civil union institution is under consideration by the Saeima.

Civil unions


Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe¹
  Civil union
  Limited domestic recognition (cohabitation)
  Limited foreign recognition (residency rights)
  Constitution limits marriage to opposite-sex couples
¹ May include recent laws or court decisions that have not yet entered into effect.

On 23 September 1999, the Latvian National Human Rights Office introduced a registered partnership bill to the Saeima. On 28 September 1999, the proposal was sent to the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee of the Saeima for discussion,[1][2] but it was rejected by the commission on 30 November 1999.[3] In January 2012, the Ombudsman's Office (the renamed National Human Rights Office since 2007) recommended that the Parliament rejected registered partnership legislation.[4] However, after Baltic Pride in June 2012, it was revealed that the Ministry of Justice, led by Gaidis Bērziņš, was considering whether to recognise same-sex partnerships, either as unregistered cohabitation or registered partnerships. Defence Minister Artis Pabriks expressed his support for registered partnerships.[5] Mozaika, Latvia's largest LGBT rights organisation, estimated it would take approximately five years to obtain enough political support to pass the bill.[6]

In November 2014, while commenting on the coming out of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs, and on his call for the recognition of same-sex relationships in Latvia, Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma reaffirmed her support for the constitutional prohibition on same-sex marriage. She also admitted that "Latvian law has not yet resolved the question of partner-relationships", explaining that the non-recognition of unmarried couples "affects many in Latvia" regardless of sexual orientation and that protection of such families "needs to be discussed by both the community and the Saeima".[7] On 30 January 2015, Veiko Spolītis, an MP from the New Unity party, submitted a bill to modify the Civil Code to legally recognise same-sex partnerships. The proposed law would have allowed "any two persons" to register their partnership and enjoy almost all of the rights and obligations of marriage.[8][9] The proposal was rejected by the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima on 24 February 2015.[10][11]

On 23 March 2015, the chairperson of For Latvia's Development, Juris Pūce, launched a signature collection campaign on, calling for the passage of a cohabitation law in Latvia.[12] The signatures were submitted to the Saeima in January 2018. In March 2018, the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee recommended 5–4 that the initiative be rejected by the Saeima; 5 out of the 9 committee members voted to recommend rejection, while the 4 others wanted further consideration.[13] In October 2018, the ombudsman called on lawmakers to pass a partnership law for both opposite-sex and same-sex couples, citing statistics showing that about half of Latvian children were born out of wedlock, and arguing that these families should enjoy legal protection.[14] On 20 June 2019, MPs voted against sending the bill to further discussion and review in parliamentary committees; only 23 members voted for the bill, 60 voted against it and one member abstained. The Development/For! and New Unity parties and some Social Democrats supported the bill, while the remaining Social Democrats, Who Owns the State?, the New Conservative Party, the National Alliance and the Union of Greens and Farmers as well as several independents were opposed.[15][16][17][18] Supporters of the bill said they would persevere and persuade lawmakers to discuss it again in the future.[19][20]

20 June 2019 vote in the Saeima[21]
Party Voted for Voted against Abstained Absent (Did not vote)
  • Valērijs Agešins
  • Boriss Cilevičs
  • Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis
  • Regīna Ločmele
  • Evija Papule
  • Igors Pimenovs
  • Jānis Ādamsons
  • Inga Goldberga
  • Andrejs Klementjevs
  • Ivans Klementjevs
  • Jānis Krišāns
  • Edgars Kucins
  • Vladimirs Nikonovs
  • Vitālijs Orlovs
  • Ivans Ribakovs
  • Artūrs Rubiks
  • Jānis Tutins
  • Nikolajs Kabanovs
  • Sergejs Dolgopolovs
  • Ļubova Švecova
  • Jānis Urbanovičs
  • Ivars Zariņš
  New Conservative Party -
  • Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla
  • Uldis Budriķis
  • Jānis Butāns
  • Jānis Cielēns
  • Gatis Eglītis
  • Krišjānis Feldmans
  • Andris Kazinovskis
  • Anita Muižniece
  • Linda Ozola
  • Juris Rancāns
  • Sandis Riekstiņš
  • Juta Strīķe
  • Evita Zālīte-Grosa
  • Reinis Znotiņš
  • Normunds Žunna
  • Juris Jurašs[a]
  • Dace Bluķe
  • Mārtiņš Bondars
  • Marija Golubeva
  • Daniels Pavļuts
  • Artūrs Toms Plešs
  • Dace Rukšāne-Ščipčinska
  • Andris Skride
  • Mārtiņš Staķis
  • Mārtiņš Šteins
  • Vita Anda Tērauda
  • Inese Voika
- -
  • Ilmārs Dūrītis
  • Inese Ikstena
  National Alliance -
  • Jānis Dombrava
  • Raivis Dzintars
  • Jānis Iesalnieks
  • Ilze Indriksone
  • Ritvars Jansons
  • Rihards Kols
  • Janīna Kursīte-Pakule
  • Ināra Mūrniece
  • Romāns Naudiņš
  • Edvīns Šnore
  • Edmunds Teirumnieks
  • Aleksandrs Kiršteins
  Who Owns the State? -
  • Iveta Benhena-Bēkena
  • Aivars Geidāns
  • Kaspars Ģirģens
  • Artuss Kaimiņš
  • Ieva Krapāne
  • Janīna Kursīte
  • Ramona Petraviča
  • Ēriks Pucens
  • Ivars Puga
  • Jānis Vitenbergs
  • Aldis Blumbergs
  • Atis Zakatistovs[a]
  Union of Greens and Farmers -
  • Uldis Augulis
  • Raimonds Bergmanis
  • Jānis Dūklavs
  • Janīna Jalinska
  • Armands Krauze
  • Māris Kučinskis
  • Viktors Valainis
  • Anda Čakša
  • Gundars Daudze
  • Dana Reizniece-Ozola
  • Jānis Vucāns
  New Unity
  • Arvils Ašeradens
  • Andrejs Judins
  • Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš
  • Rihards Kozlovskis
  • Atis Lejiņš
  • Inese Lībiņa-Egnere
- -
  • Aldis Adamovičs
  • Ainars Latkovskis
  Independents -
  • Aldis Gobzems
  • Linda Liepiņa
  • Inguna Rībena
  • Karina Sprūde
  • Jūlija Stepaņenko
  • Didzis Šmits
- -
Total 23 60 1 16

On 29 October 2020, the Saeima voted 55–30 to reject a popular initiative entitled "Registration of same-sex partners",[22] which called for the passage of a civil union law and had been signed by 10,392 citizens.[23] That same day, the authors of the initiative started a new petition, called "For Legal Protection of All Families", which had been signed by 23,392 citizens by March 2022.[24]

Constitutional Court ruling and proposed legislation

On 12 November 2020, the Constitutional Court of Latvia ruled that the labour law violated Article 110 of the Constitution of Latvia, as it did not provide parental leave to the non-biological parent in a same-sex relationship. Although Article 110 has defined marriage as "a union between a man and a woman" since 2006, the term family is not explicitly defined. The court held that the family is not solely a union based on marriage, but a social institution formed by close personal ties based on understanding and respect. The court ruled that the Constitution requires the state to protect same-sex partners, and gave the Saeima until 1 June 2022 to amend the labour law and introduce a measure to legally protect same-sex couples.[25] The Supreme Court ruled in December 2021 that should the government fail to provide a way for same-sex partners to register their relationship by the 1 June deadline, couples would be able to have their relationship recognized by a court.[26] On 2 February 2022, the Ministry of Justice, led by Dzintars Rasnačs, presented a civil union bill that would provide same-sex couples some of the rights and benefits of marriage.[27] The second largest parliamentary group in the Saeima, the New Conservative Party, has announced its support for the bill, despite the party having opposed all previous attempts to establish civil unions. The leader of the Social Democratic Party, Jānis Urbanovičs, has also indicated that the bill might receive broader support from the members of his parliamentary group.[28]

On 31 March 2022, the Saeima sent the civil union bill to the Legal Affairs Committee and approved it in first reading, with those opposed boycotting the vote in hopes of the Saeima failing to meet the necessary quorum but ultimately failing with exactly half of all MPs participating in the vote.[29]

31 March 2022 vote in the Saeima[30]
Party Voted for Voted against Abstained Absent (Did not vote)
  • Boriss Cilevičs
  • Inga Goldberga
  • Regīna Ločmele
  • Igors Pimenovs
  • Andrejs Klementjevs
  • Jānis Krišāns
  • Edgars Kucins
  • Vladimirs Nikonovs
  • Vitālijs Orlovs
  • Ivans Ribakovs
  • Artūrs Rubiks
  • Sergejs Dolgopolovs
  • Nikolajs Kabanovs
  • Valerijs Agešins
  • Ivans Klementjevs
  • Jānis Tutins
  • Zenta Tretjaka
  • Jānis Urbanovičs
  New Conservative Party
  • Ainars Baškis
  • Uldis Budriķis
  • Jānis Butāns
  • Jānis Cielēns
  • Krišjānis Feldmans
  • Līva Kreituse
  • Eva Mārtuža
  • Linda Medne
  • Juris Rancāns
  • Sandis Riekstiņš
  • Reinis Znotiņš
  • Normunds Žunna
- -
  • Ieva Akuratere
  • Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla
  • Aivars Geidāns
  • Evita Zālīte-Grosa
  • Krista Baumane
  • Mārtiņš Bondars
  • Ilmārs Dūrītis
  • Viesturs Liepkalns
  • Juris Pūce
  • Dace Rukšāne-Ščipčinska
  • Andris Skride
  • Mārtiņš Šteins
  • Vita Anda Tērauda
  • Inese Voika
  • Gatis Zamurs
- -
  • Aigars Bikše
  National Alliance - - -
  • Jānis Dombrava
  • Raivis Dzintars
  • Jānis Iesalnieks
  • Ilze Indriksone
  • Ritvars Jansons
  • Aleksandrs Kiršteins
  • Rihards Kols
  • Janīna Kursīte-Pakule
  • Ināra Mūrniece
  • Ivars Puga
  • Edvīns Šnore
  • Edmunds Teirumnieks
  Union of Greens and Farmers - - -
  • Uldis Augulis
  • Raimonds Bergmanis
  • Gundars Daudze
  • Jānis Dūklavs
  • Janīna Jalinska
  • Armands Krauze
  • Māris Kučinskis
  • Edgars Tavars
  • Didzis Šmits
  • Viktors Valainis
  • Jānis Vucāns
  New Unity
  • Arvils Ašeradens
  • Iveta Benhena-Bēkena
  • Anda Čakša
  • Andrejs Judins
  • Rihards Kozlovskis
  • Ainars Latkovskis
  • Atis Lejiņš
  • Inese Lībiņa-Egnere
  • Kārlis Šadurskis
- -
  • Aldis Adamovičs
  • Aldis Blumbergs
  The Independents - - -
  • Aldis Gobzems
  • Ieva Krapāne
  • Māris Možvillo
  • Ralfs Nemiro
  • Ramona Petraviča
  • Karina Sprūde
  • Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis
  • Artuss Kaimiņš
  • Evija Papule
  • Ilga Šuplinska
  • Atis Zakatistovs
- -
  • Jānis Ādamsons
  • Kaspars Ģirģens
  • Janīna Kursīte
  • Māris Mičerevskis
  • Romāns Naudiņš
  • Ēriks Pucens
  • Inguna Rībena
  • Jūlija Stepaņenko
  • Ļubova Švecova
Total 41 7 2 50

The bill's final reading was blocked on 2 June due to a lack of quorum, as only 40 MPs participated in the vote, and Speaker Ināra Mūrniece ended the parliamentary session without the bill being passed. The legislation was placed on the agenda for a future sitting of Parliament, and would need to pass before the parliamentary election scheduled for 1 October 2022. As a result, the 1 June deadline by the Constitutional Court expired, meaning that same-sex couples may now apply with a court to request recognition of their relationship and enjoy some of the benefits and obligations offered by marriage. The Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, Irēna Kucina, said that "institutions and administrative courts will apply the Constitution directly". On 30 May, the Administrative District Court in Riga granted the first application of a same-sex couple and recognised the "public legal existence" of their relationship, concluding that the couple has a relationship that fits the definition outlined in Article 110 of the Constitution. The court lamented that the Saeima had not "fulfilled its duty".[31][32][33] By 8 July 2022, the Administrative District Court had granted civil union status to four same-sex couples.[34] 16 same-sex couples had been recognized by 28 October 2022.[35]

The proposed legislation in the Saeima would establish civil unions (Latvian: civilā savienība, pronounced [ˈtsivilaː ˈsaviɛniːba])[b] providing some of the rights, obligations and benefits of marriage, including in the areas of property, inheritance and tax. The bill would also allow same-sex partners to obtain information on the health of a hospitalised partner and make emergency health decisions, receive benefits in the event their partner dies, and claim care for their partner in the event that they have a disability. Civil unions would be open to all adult citizens and non-residents of Latvia, including refugees and stateless people, but would not be allowed to persons who are already married, in another civil union or who are blood relatives or related by adoption. They would be registered and dissolved using a procedure similar to that for civil marriage. However, the bill would not allow same-sex couples to share a common surname or to adopt. In addition, parties to a civil union would not automatically become heirs to the common property, but the partners may choose to draw up a will or a contract of inheritance to legally contract for how their protected common property will be divided before any eventual separation.[36]

Same-sex marriage


In December 2005, the Saeima voted 65–5 to approve an amendment to the Constitution of Latvia banning same-sex marriage.[37] The amendment took effect on 17 January 2006. Article 110 reads:[38] "The State shall protect and support marriage — a union between a man and a woman, the family, the rights of parents and rights of the child".[c]

Legal challenges

2018 European Court of Justice ruling

On 5 June 2018, the European Court of Justice ruled that member states of the European Union must recognise the freedom of movement and residency rights of same-sex spouses, provided one partner is an EU citizen.[40][41][42] The court ruled that EU member states may choose whether or not to allow same-sex marriage, but they cannot obstruct the freedom of residence of an EU citizen and their spouse. In addition, the court ruled that the term "spouse" is gender-neutral, and that it does not necessarily imply a person of the opposite sex.[43][44] The Latvian Government and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs announced their intention to abide by this directive. At least one same-sex partner, who had married in Portugal, had received a residency permit by June 2018.[45]

2021 Supreme Court ruling

On 27 May 2016, the Supreme Court of Latvia overturned an administrative court decision that refused to register a same-sex marriage. A Supreme Court press spokeswoman said that the court agreed with the administrative court that current regulations do not allow for same-sex marriages to be legally recognized in Latvia; however, the matter "should have been considered in a context not of marriage, but of registering familial partnership". Additionally, it would have been impossible to conclude whether the applicants' rights had been violated unless their claim was accepted and reviewed in a proper manner.[46] The Supreme Court ruled in December 2021 that Latvia lacks a civil partnership law and that court rulings could serve as a substitute for the registration of same-sex relationships until lawmakers pass a partnership law. The court held that, "The obligation to ensure the legal protection of same-sex couples also follows from the principle of human dignity, which requires recognizing the inherent dignity and equal value of each human being."[26]

Public opinion

The 2015 Eurobarometer found that 19% of Latvians supported same-sex marriage.[47] In 2019, the Eurobarometer showed that support had increased to 24%, while 70% were opposed.[48]

See also


  1. ^ a b The MP did not have the right to vote at the time because they were being prosecuted.
  2. ^ Russian: гражданский союз, pronounced [ɡrɐʐˈdanskʲɪj sɐˈjus]; Livonian: kubsjelāmilieppimi, pronounced [ˈkuˀbsˌjelɑːmiˌli̯epːimi]
  3. ^ In Latvian: Valsts aizsargā un atbalsta laulību — savienību starp vīrieti un sievieti, ģimeni, vecāku un bērna tiesības.
    In Russian: Государство защищает и поддерживает брак – союз между мужчиной и женщиной, семью, права родителей и детей.
    In Livonian: Vald kāitsõb ja tigūb abjelāmiz — īt mīe ja naiz vailõ, aimõ, vaņīmiz ja laps õigiži.[39]


  4. ^ (in Latvian) Letter No. 1-8/4 to parliamentary committees on human rights and legal affairs by the Ombudsman J. Jansons 26 January 2012
  5. ^ "Pabriks: Latvijas likumdošanu nevar balstīt uz stereotipiem un idejām par politikas un baznīcas vienotību" (in Latvian). 2 June 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
  6. ^ ""Mozaīka" prognozē partnerattiecību likuma pieņemšanu tuvākajā piecgadē" (in Latvian). 7 May 2012. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
  7. ^ "Straujuma: Latvijā jārada tiesisks regulējums visu veidu partnerattiecībām" (in Latvian). 7 November 2014. Retrieved 9 November 2014.
  8. ^ "Saeimā iesniedz priekšlikumu par partnerattiecību legalizāciju" (in Latvian). Latvijas Sabiedriskie mediji. 30 January 2015. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
  9. ^ "Latvian Parliament to consider gender neutral partnership law in 2015". Gay Star News. 9 February 2015. Retrieved 13 February 2015.
  10. ^ "Noraida Spolīša rosinājumu ieviest dzimumneitrālu partnerattiecību institūtu" (in Latvian). Latvijas Sabiedriskie mediji. 24 February 2015.
  11. ^ "Saeimā noraida rosinājumu ieviest dzimumneitrālu partnerattiecību institūtu" (in Latvian). TV NET. 24 February 2015.
  12. ^ "Coalition sceptical about approving Cohabitation law". Baltic News Network. 24 March 2015.
  13. ^ (in Latvian) Saeimas Mandātu, ētikas un iesniegumu komisija šodien aicina Saeimai noraidīt iniciatīvu par Kopdzīves likumu!
  14. ^ 21st century family requires appropriate legal framework
  15. ^ "Latvia rejects Unmarried Couple's Law intended for cohabiting partners". Baltic News Network. 20 June 2019.
  16. ^ "Lesbisch-schwule Paare in Lettland weiterhin ohne Rechte". (in German). 20 June 2019.
  17. ^ "Saeima rejects civil partnership bill". Public Broadcasting of Latvia. 20 June 2019.
  18. ^ "Saeima noraida Dzīvesbiedru likumprojektu". (in Latvian). 20 June 2019.
  19. ^ Dzērve, Laura (20 June 2019). "Neraugoties uz Saeimas balsojumu par Dzīvesbiedru likumu, iniciatori sola neapstāties". (in Latvian).
  20. ^ "Rinkēvičs par Dzīvesbiedru likumu - zaudēta kauja nenozīmē zaudētu karu". (in Latvian). 22 June 2019.
  21. ^ "Voting results" (in Latvian). Saeima. 20 June 2019. Retrieved 21 June 2021.
  22. ^ "Voting results" (in Latvian). Saeima. 29 October 2020. Retrieved 21 June 2021.
  23. ^ "Saeima noraida pilsoņu iniciatīvu par viendzimuma partneru attiecību reģistrēšanu" [Saeima reject a popular initiative about registration of same-sex relationships]. (in Latvian). Retrieved 2021-06-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  24. ^ "PAR VISU ĢIMEŅU TIESISKO AIZSARDZĪBU". - līdzdalības platforma (in Latvian). Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  25. ^ "Satversmes tiesa atzīst viendzimuma pāra tiesības uz bērna dzimšanas atvaļinājumu". (in Latvian). Retrieved 2022-02-11.
  26. ^ a b "Kamēr valsts nav noregulējusi viendzimuma pāru attiecību reģistrācijas jautājumu, to varētu darīt ar tiesas spriedumiem". Retrieved 2022-02-11.
  27. ^ Spalvēns, Raivis (2022-02-01). "Viena dzimuma pāru tiesības rosina regulēt ar Civilās savienības likumu". (in Latvian). Retrieved 2022-02-11.
  28. ^ "JKP konceptuāli atbalsta Civilās savienības likumu". (in Latvian). 2022-02-05. Retrieved 2022-02-11.
  29. ^ "Saeimā konceptuāli atbalsta Civilās savienības likumu viendzimuma pāru ģimeņu aizsardzībai". (in Latvian). 2022-03-31. Retrieved 2022-03-31.
  30. ^ "Voting results" (in Latvian). Saeima. 31 March 2022. Retrieved 31 March 2022.
  31. ^ "Latvian Saeima does not pass Civil Union Law". Baltic News Network. 2 June 2022.
  32. ^ "Civilās savienības likumu aptur ar retu instrumentu – Saeimas sēdes slēgšanu kvoruma trūkuma dēļ". Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze (in Latvian). 3 June 2022.
  33. ^ "Court legally recognizes same-sex relationship for the first time in Latvia". 31 May 2022.
  34. ^ "Court recognizes another same-sex couple as legitimate family". Baltic Times. 8 July 2022.
  35. ^ "Court has recognized 16 same-sex families so far in Latvia". Latvian Public Broadcasting. 28 October 2022.
  36. ^ "Kas īsti ir "civilā savienība"?". (in Latvian). 12 June 2022.
  37. ^ "Latvia cements gay marriage ban". BBC. December 15, 2005.
  38. ^ "Latvijas Republikas Satversme". (in Latvian).
  39. ^ "Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks" (PDF). (in Livonian).
  40. ^ EU states must recognize foreign same-sex marriages: court, Reuters, June 5, 2018
  41. ^ Rights for same-sex married couples to move around the EU confirmed in landmark ruling, Yahoo News, June 6, 2018
  42. ^ Alina Tryfonidou (June 7, 2018). "Rights for same-sex married couples to move around the EU confirmed in landmark ruling". The Conversation.
  43. ^ "Same-sex spouses have equal residency rights". BBC News. June 6, 2018.
  44. ^ JUDGMENT OF THE COURT (Grand Chamber) 5 June 2018
  45. ^ "ES Tiesas spriedums: laulāto draugu Adriana un Kleija izcīnītā kopābūšana" (in Latvian). DELFI. 15 June 2018.
  46. ^ "Supreme Court rules same-sex marriage request will be considered". Public Broadcasting of Latvia. 27 May 2016.
  47. ^ "DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2015" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-01-22. Retrieved 2018-05-06.
  48. ^ "Eurobarometer on Discrimination 2019: The social acceptance of LGBTI people in the EU". TNS. European Commission. p. 2. Retrieved 23 September 2019.