List of volcanic eruptions in Iceland

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This is an incomplete list of volcanic eruptions in Iceland.

Iceland Mid-Atlantic Ridge map
Volcanic systems in Iceland
Katla 1918
Askja caldera in 1984
Krafla, 1984
Bárðarbunga, Nornahraun-Holuhraun 2014
People on the slopes of Fagradalsfjall, watching the Geldingadalir eruption 2021.
Keilir with the smaller Keilirbörn hills in winter
Snæfellsjökull in the morning

Prehistoric eruptions

Dates are approximate.

9th century

Dates are approximate. (Note: First Norse settlers arrived in 870/874.)

10th century

11th century

12th century

13th century

14th century

15th century

16th century

17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

21st century


(For a detail description of the volcanic zones, see : Geological deformation of Iceland)

Volcanic zones and systems

Volcanism in Iceland. The Volcanic zones and the dotted circle approximating to the hotspot.
Topographic map showing the Iceland Plateau (light blue oval area) encircling Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean.

Iceland has several major volcanic zones surrounding the Iceland hotspot:

East volcanic zone (EVZ)

The East Volcanic Zone (EVZ), the central volcanoes Vonarskarð and Hágöngur, belong to the same volcanic system.[71]

Includes: Bárðarbunga, Bláhnjúkur, Brennisteinsalda, Eldgjá, Eyjafjallajökull, Gjálp, Grímsvötn, central volcano Hágöngur (is: Hágöngur), Hekla, Katla (volcano), Laki, Þjórsá Lava, Þórólfsfell, Surtsey, Thordarhyrna (Þórðarhyrna), Tindfjallajökull, Torfajökull, Vatnafjöll, Vatnajökull, Vatnaöldur, Vestmannaeyjar, central volcano Vonarskarð (is: Vonarskarð), Westman Islands,

Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB)

The Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB) connects the East, West and North volcanic zones, across central Iceland.

North volcanic zone (NVZ)

North of Iceland, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is called Kolbeinsey Ridge (KR) and is connected to the North Volcanic Zone via the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ).

Includes: Askja, Dettifoss, Dimmuborgir, Fremrinámur, Grjótagjá, Herðubreið, Hverfjall, Jökulsá á Fjöllum, Kollóttadyngja, Krafla, Kverkfjöll, Mývatn, Öskjuvatn, Rauðhólar, Theistareykjarbunga, Trölladyngja

Öræfajökull volcanic belt (ÖVB)

The Öræfajökull volcanic belt (ÖVB) is an intraplate volcanic belt, connected to the Eurasian plate.[72][73]

Includes: Knappafellsjökull, Öræfasveit, Öræfajökull

Reykjanes volcanic zone (RVZ)

The Reykjanes volcanic zone (RVZ) is one of two major and active transform faults zones striking west-northwest in northern and southern Iceland. Two large fracture zones, associated with the transform faults, namely Tjörnes and Reykjanes Fracture Zones are found striking about 75°N to 80°W.[74][75]

  • the Reykjanes Ridge (RR) (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of Iceland)
  • the Reykjanes Volcanic Belt (RVB) (on the main island)

Includes: Bláfjöll, Brennisteinsfjöll, Búrfell (Hafnarfjörður), Eldborg í Bláfjöllum, Fagradalsfjall, Heiðin há, Helgafell (Hafnarfjörður), Hengill, Keilir, Krýsuvík (volcanic system), Krýsuvík fires, Leitin, Rauðhólar (Reykjavík), Stóra-Eldborg undir Geitahlíð, Svartsengi Power Station, Sveifluháls, Vífilsfell, Þorbjörn (mountain)

Snæfellsnes volcanic belt (SVB)

The Snæfellsnes volcanic belt (SVB) is an intraplate volcanic belt, connected to the North American plate.[72]

It is proposed that the east-west line from the Grímsvötn volcano in the Mid-Iceland Belt (MIB) to the SVB shows the movement of the North American Plate over the Iceland hotspot.[76]

Includes: Arnarstapi, Djúpalónssandur, Grundarfjörður, Hellnar, Ljósufjöll, Lóndrangar, Snæfellsjökull

South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ)

The South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ) is a fracture zone, which connects the East and West Volcanic Zones. It contains its own volcanic systems, smaller than those in the Mid-Iceland Belt.

Includes: Grímsnes, Ingólfsfjall, Kerið, Reynisdrangar, Selfoss (town)

Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ)

The Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ) connects the North Volcanic Zone to the Kolbeinsey Ridge (KR), which is part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It contains its own volcanic systems, which are smaller than those in the Mid-Iceland Belt.

It is one of two major and active transform faults zones striking west-northwest in northern and southern Iceland.[74] The Tjörnes and Reykjanes Fracture Zones are found striking about 75°N to 80°W.[75]

West volcanic zone (WVZ)

Includes: Barnafossar, Geitlandsjökull, Geysir, Hengill, Hlöðufell, Hraunfossar, Hveravellir, Kjölur, Langjökull, Ok (volcano), Prestahnúkur, Skjaldbreiður, Stóra-Björnsfell, Surtshellir, Víðgelmir, Þórisjökull, plus Skríðufell, Fjallkirkja, Þursaborg, and Péturshorn.[77]

Eruptive activity

Grímsvötn, including the Skaftá eruption of 1783, is probably the most eruptive volcano system. The Lakagígar lava field alone is estimated to have produced about 15 cubic kilometres (3.6 cu mi) of lava. Grímsvötn has probably had more than 30 eruptions in the last 400 years, and produced around 55 cubic kilometres (13 cu mi) over the last 10,000 years.[78] (Part of the East volcanic zone (EVZ))

Katla has erupted 17 times in historical times, and Eldgjá seems to be part of the same system. The total volume of volcanic eruptions from Katla over the last 10,000 years is very similar to Grímsvötn.[78] (Part of the East volcanic zone (EVZ))

Hekla has erupted at least 17 times in historical times, with total volume about 7 cubic kilometres (1.7 cu mi), but around 42 cubic kilometres (10 cu mi) since the last ice age.[78] (Part of the East volcanic zone (EVZ))

See also


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  24. ^
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  55. ^ Brennisteinsfjoll, Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian Institution
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  64. ^ How The Earth Was Made: The Age of Earth (video),
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  66. ^ Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, Pétur Þorsteinsson: Íslensk fjöll. Gönguleiðir á 151 tind. Reykjavík 2004, p. 200.
  67. ^ Snæbjörn Guðmundsson: Vegavísir um jarðfræði Íslands. Reykjavík 2015, p. 280-281
  68. ^ Thorarinsson, S.; Steinthorsson, S.; Einarsson, T.; Kristmannsdottir, H.; Oskarsson, N. (1973-02-09). "The eruption on Heimaey, Iceland". Nature. 241 (5389): 372–375. Bibcode:1973Natur.241..372T. doi:10.1038/241372a0. S2CID 4163208.
  69. ^ a b c d e f g h i Reykjavík Grapevine June 4 2021, The Message In The Magma: The Geldingadalir Eruption Site Is Growing—What Have We Learned? By Hannah Jane Cohen
  70. ^ Smithsonian Institution - Global Volcanism Program - Grimsvotn 2011
  71. ^ T. Gudmundsson; Thórdís Högnadóttir (January 2007). "Volcanic systems and calderas in the Vatnajökull region, central Iceland: Constraints on crustal structure from gravity data". Journal of Geodynamics. 43 (1): 153–169. Bibcode:2007JGeo...43..153G. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2006.09.015.
  72. ^ a b T. Thordarson; G. Larsen (January 2007). "Volcanism in Iceland in historical time: volcano types, eruption styles and eruptive history". Journal of Geodynamics. 43 (1): 118–152. Bibcode:2007JGeo...43..118T. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2006.09.005.
  73. ^ H. Jóhannesson; K. Sæmundsson (1998). Geologic Map of Iceland, 1:500,000. Bedrock Geology. Reykjavík: Icelandic Institute of Natural History and Iceland Geodetic Survey.
  74. ^ a b Einarsson, P. (1991). "Earthquakes and present-day tectonism in Iceland". Tectonophysics. 189 (1–4): 261–279. Bibcode:1991Tectp.189..261E. doi:10.1016/0040-1951(91)90501-I.
  75. ^ a b Ward, P. L. (1971). "New Interpretation of the Geology of Iceland". Geological Society of America Bulletin. 82 (11): 2991–3012. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1971)82[2991:NIOTGO]2.0.CO;2.
  76. ^ W. Jason Morgan; Jason Phipps Morgan. Plate velocities in hotspot reference frame: electronic supplement (PDF). p. 111. Retrieved 2010-04-23.
  77. ^ Kortabók Mál og Menningar, Reykjavík 2005, pp.48/49 and 55/56, icel.
  78. ^ a b c Visindavefur, Science Web, Which volcano has erupted the most? By Sigurður Steinþórsson, Professor Emeritus

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