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ISO 9 is an international standard establishing a system for the transliteration into Latin characters of Cyrillic characters constituting the alphabets of many Slavic and non-Slavic languages.[1]
Published on February 23, 1995,[2] the major advantage ISO 9 has over other competing systems is its univocal system of one character for one character equivalents (by the use of diacritics), which faithfully represents the original spelling and allows for reverse transliteration, even if the language is unknown.
Earlier versions of the standard, ISO/R 9:1954, ISO/R 9:1968 and ISO 9:1986, were more closely based on the international scholarly system for linguistics (scientific transliteration), but have diverged in favour of unambiguous transliteration over phonemic representation. The edition of 1995 supersedes the edition of 1986.[1]
ISO 9:1995
[3] The standard features three mapping tables: the first covers contemporary Slavic languages, the second older Slavic orthographies (excluding letters from the first), and the third non-Slavic languages (including most letters from the first). Several Cyrillic characters included in ISO 9 are not available as pre-composed characters in Unicode, neither are some of the transliterations; combining diacritical marks have to be used in these cases. Unicode, on the other hand, includes some historic characters that are not dealt with in ISO 9.
Transliteration table
The following combined table shows characters for various Slavic, Iranian, Romance, Turkic, Uralic, Mongolic, Caucasian, Tungusic, Paleosiberian and other languages of the former USSR which are written in Cyrillic.
Cyrillic | Latin | ||||||
Char | Char | Unicode | Description | ||||
А | а | A | a | ||||
Ӓ | ӓ | Ä | ä | 00C4 |
a diaeresis | |
Ӓ̄ | ӓ̄ | Ạ̈ | ạ̈ | 00C4+0323 |
a diaeresis and dot below | |
Ӑ | ӑ | Ă | ă | 0102 |
a breve | |
А̄ | а̄ | Ā | ā | 0100 |
a macron | |
Ӕ | ӕ | Æ | æ | 00C6 |
ae ligature | |
А́ | а́ | Á | á | 00C1 |
a acute | |
А̊ | а̊ | Å | å | 00C5 |
a ring | |
Б | б | B | b | ||||
В | в | V | v | ||||
Г | г | G | g | ||||
Ґ | ґ | G̀ | g̀ | 0047+0300 |
g grave | |
Ѓ | ѓ | Ǵ | ǵ | 01F4 |
g acute | |
Ғ | ғ | Ġ | ġ | 0120 |
g dot | |
Ҕ | ҕ | Ğ | ğ | 011E |
g breve | |
Һ | һ | Ḥ | ḥ | 1E24 |
h dot | |
Д | д | D | d | ||||
Ђ | ђ | Đ | đ | 0110 |
d stroke | |
Е | е | E | e | ||||
Ӗ | ӗ | Ĕ | ĕ | 0114 |
e breve | |
Ё | ё | Ë | ë | 00CB |
e diaeresis | |
Є | є | Ê | ê | 00CA |
e circumflex | |
Ж | ж | Ž | ž | 017D |
z caron | |
Җ | җ | Ž̦ | ž̦ | 017D+0326 |
z caron and comma below[4] | |
Ž̧ | ž̧ | 017D+0327 |
z caron and cedilla[4] | |||
Ӝ | ӝ | Z̄ | z̄ | Z+0304 |
z macron | |
Ӂ | ӂ | Z̆ | z̆ | Z+0306 |
z breve | |
З | з | Z | z | ||||
Ӟ | ӟ | Z̈ | z̈ | Z+0308 |
z diaeresis | |
Ӡ | ӡ | Ź | ź | 0179 |
z acute | |
Ѕ | ѕ | Ẑ | ẑ | 1E90 |
z circumflex | |
И | и | I | i | ||||
Ӣ | ӣ | Ī | ī | 012A |
i macron | |
И́ | и́ | Í | í | 00CD |
i acute | |
Ӥ | ӥ | Î | î | 00CE |
i circumflex | |
Й | й | J | j | ||||
І | і | Ì | ì | 00CC |
i grave | |
Ї | ї | Ï | ï | 00CF |
i diaeresis | |
І̄ | і̄ | Ǐ | ǐ | 01CF (012C) |
01D0 (012D)
i caron (or breve) | |
Ј | ј | J̌ | ǰ | J+030C |
j caron | |
Ј̵ | ј̵ | J́ | j́ | J+0301 |
j acute | |
К | к | K | k | ||||
Ќ | ќ | Ḱ | ḱ | 1E30 |
k acute | |
Ӄ | ӄ | Ḳ | ḳ | 1E32 |
k dot below | |
Ҝ | ҝ | K̂ | k̂ | K+0302 |
k circumflex | |
Ҡ | ҡ | Ǩ | ǩ | 01E8 |
k caron | |
Ҟ | ҟ | K̄ | k̄ | K+0304 |
k macron | |
Қ | қ | K̦ | k̦ | K+0326 |
k comma below[4] | |
Ķ | ķ | 0136 |
k cedilla[4] | |||
К̨ | к̨ | K̀ | k̀ | K+0300 |
k grave | |
Ԛ | ԛ | Q | q | ||||
Л | л | L | l | ||||
Љ | љ | L̂ | l̂ | L+0302 |
l circumflex | |
Ԡ | ԡ | L̦ | l̦ | L+0326 |
l comma below[4] | |
Ļ | ļ | 013B |
l cedilla[4] | |||
М | м | M | m | ||||
Н | н | N | n | ||||
Њ | њ | N̂ | n̂ | N+0302 |
n circumflex | |
Ң | ң | N̦ | n̦ | N+0326 |
n comma below[4] | |
Ņ | ņ | 0145 |
n cedilla[4] | |||
Ӊ | ӊ | Ṇ | ṇ | 1E46 |
n dot below | |
Ҥ | ҥ | Ṅ | ṅ | 1E44 |
n dot | |
Ԋ | ԋ | Ǹ | ǹ | 01F8 |
n grave | |
Ԣ | ԣ | Ń | ń | 0143 |
n acute | |
Ӈ | ӈ | Ň | ň | 0147 |
n caron | |
Н̄ | н̄ | N̄ | n̄ | N+0304 |
n macron | |
О | о | O | o | ||||
Ӧ | ӧ | Ö | ö | 00D6 |
o diaeresis | |
Ө | ө | Ô | ô | 00D4 |
o circumflex | |
Ӫ | ӫ | Ő | ő | 0150 |
o double acute | |
Ӧ̄ | о̄̈ | Ọ̈ | ọ̈ | 00D6+0323 |
o diaeresis and dot below | |
Ҩ | ҩ | Ò | ò | 00D2 |
o grave | |
О́ | о́ | Ó | ó | 00D3 |
o acute | |
О̄ | о̄ | Ō | ō | 014C |
o macron | |
Œ | œ | Œ | œ | 0152 |
oe ligature | |
П | п | P | p | ||||
Ҧ | ҧ | Ṕ | ṕ | 1E54 |
p acute | |
Ԥ | ԥ | P̀ | p̀ | P+0300 |
p grave | |
Р | р | R | r | ||||
С | с | S | s | ||||
Ҫ | ҫ | Ș | ș | 0218 |
s comma below[4] | |
Ş | ş | 015E |
s cedilla[4] | |||
С̀ | с̀ | S̀ | s̀ | S+0300 |
s grave | |
Т | т | T | t | ||||
Ћ | ћ | Ć | ć | 0106 |
c acute | |
Ԏ | ԏ | T̀ | t̀ | T+0300 |
t grave | |
Т̌ | т̌ | Ť | ť | 0164 |
t caron | |
Ҭ | ҭ | Ț | ț | 021A |
t comma below[4] | |
Ţ | ţ | 0162 |
t cedilla[4] | |||
У | у | U | u | ||||
Ӱ | ӱ | Ü | ü | 00DC |
u diaeresis | |
Ӯ | ӯ | Ū | ū | 016A |
u macron | |
Ў | ў | Ŭ | ŭ | 016C |
u breve | |
Ӳ | ӳ | Ű | ű | 0170 |
u double acute | |
У́ | у́ | Ú | ú | 00DA |
u acute | |
Ӱ̄ | ӱ̄ | Ụ̈ | ụ̈ | 00DC+0323 |
u diaeresis and dot below | |
Ụ̄ | ụ̄ | 016A+0323 |
u macron and dot below | |||
Ү | ү | Ù | ù | 00D9 |
u grave | |
Ұ | ұ | U̇ | u̇ | U+0307 |
u dot | |
Ԝ | ԝ | W | w | ||||
Ф | ф | F | f | ||||
Х | х | H | h | ||||
Ҳ | ҳ | H̦ | h̦ | H+0326 |
h comma below[4] | |
Ḩ | ḩ | 1E28 |
h cedilla[4] | |||
Ц | ц | C | c | ||||
Ҵ | ҵ | C̄ | c̄ | C+0304 |
c macron | |
Џ | џ | D̂ | d̂ | D+0302 |
d circumflex | |
Ч | ч | Č | č | 010C |
c caron | |
Ҷ | ҷ | C̦ | c̦ | C+0326 |
c comma below[4] | |
Ç | ç | 00C7 |
c cedilla[4] | |||
Ӌ | ӌ | C̣ | c̣ | C+0323 |
c dot below | |
Ӵ | ӵ | C̈ | c̈ | C+0308 |
c diaeresis | |
Ҹ | ҹ | Ĉ | ĉ | 0108 |
c circumflex | |
Ч̀ | ч̀ | C̀ | c̀ | C+0300 |
c grave | |
Ҽ | ҽ | C̆ | c̆ | C+0306 |
c breve | |
Ҿ | ҿ | C̨̆ | c̨̆ | C+0328+0306 |
c ogonek[4] and breve | |
Ш | ш | Š | š | 0160 |
s caron | |
Щ | щ | Ŝ | ŝ | 015C |
s circumflex | |
Ъ | ъ | ʺ | 02BA
modifier letter double prime[5] | |||
Ы | ы | Y | y | ||||
Ӹ | ӹ | Ÿ | ÿ | 0178 |
y diaeresis | |
Ы̄ | ы̄ | Ȳ | ȳ | 0232 |
y macron | |
Ь | ь | ʹ | 02B9
modifier letter prime[5] | |||
Э | э | È | è | 00C8 |
e grave | |
Ә | ә | A̋ | a̋ | A+030B |
a double acute | |
Ӛ | ӛ | À | à | 00C0 |
a grave | |
Ю | ю | Û | û | 00DB |
u circumflex | |
Ю̄ | ю̄ | Û̄ | û̄ | 00DB+0304 |
u circumflex and macron | |
Я | я | Â | â | 00C2 |
a circumflex | |
Ґ | ґ | G̀ | g̀ | G+0300 |
g grave | |
Ѣ | ѣ | Ě | ě | 011A |
e caron | |
Ѫ | ѫ | Ǎ | ǎ | 01CD |
a caron | |
Ѳ | ѳ | F̀ | f̀ | F+0300 |
f grave | |
Ѵ | ѵ | Ỳ | ỳ | 1EF2 |
y grave | |
Ӏ | ‡ | 2021
double dagger | ||||
ʼ | ʼ | 02BC
modifier apostrophe | ||||
ˮ | ˮ | 02EE
modifier double apostrophe |
National adoptions
Date | Region | Name | Descriptive name |
1995-06-01 | France | NF ISO 9:1995-06-01 [6][7] | Information et documentation - Translittération des caractères cyrilliques en caractères latins - Langues slaves et non slaves. |
1995-09-29 | Sweden | SS-ISO 9 [8] | Translitterering av kyrilliska bokstäver till latinska - Slaviska och icke-slaviska språk |
1997 | Romania | SR ISO 9:1997 [9] | Informare şi documentare. Transliterarea caracterelor chirilice în caractere latine. Limbi slave şi neslave |
1997-12-11 | Croatia | HRN ISO 9:1997 [10] | Informacije i dokumentacija—Transliteracija ćiriličnih u latinične znakove za slavenske i neslavenske jezike (ISO 9:1995) |
2000 | Poland | PN-ISO 9:2000 [11] | Informacja i dokumentacja. Transliteracja znaków cyrylickich na znaki łacińskie — Języki słowiańskie i niesłowiańskie |
2002 | Lithuania | LST ISO 9:2002 | Informacija ir dokumentai. Kirilicos rašmenų transliteravimas lotyniškais rašmenimis. Slavų ir ne slavų kalbos |
2002-07-01 | Russia | GOST 7.79-2000 System A | Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу. Правила транслитерации кирилловского письма латинским алфавитом |
2002-10 | Czechia | ČSN ISO 9 (010185)[12] | Informace a dokumentace - Transliterace cyrilice do latinky - slovanské a neslovanské jazyky |
2005-03-01 | Italy | UNI ISO 9:2005[13] | Informazione e documentazione - Traslitterazione dei caratteri cirillici in caratteri latini - Linguaggi slavi e non slavi |
2005-11-01 | Slovenia | SIST ISO 9:2005[14] | Informatika in dokumentacija – Transliteracija ciriličnih znakov v latinične znake – Slovanski in neslovanski jeziki |
2011 | Estonia | EVS-ISO 9:2011[15] | Informatsioon ja dokumentatsioon. Kirillitsa translitereerimine ladina keelde. Slaavi ja mitte-slaavi keeled |
2013 | GCC: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates | GSO ISO 9:2013 [16] | التوثيق والمعلومات - الحروف السير يليه بترجمة إلى اللغة اللاتينية - السلافيه وغير اللغات السلافيه |
Sample text
The text is a fragment of the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Bulgarian language:[17]
Като взе предвид, че признаването на достойнството, присъщо на всички членове на човешкия род, на техните равни и неотменими права представлява основа на свободата, справедливостта и мира в света, |
Kato vze predvid, če priznavaneto na dostojnstvoto, prisʺŝo na vsički členove na čoveškiâ rod, na tehnite ravni i neotmenimi prava predstavlâva osnova na svobodata, spravedlivostta i mira v sveta, |
ISO Recommendation No. 9, published 1954 and revised 1968, is an older version of the standard, with different transliteration for different Slavic languages, reflecting their phonemic differences. It is closer to the original international system of Slavist scientific transliteration.
A German adaptation of this standard was published by the Deutsches Institut für Normung as DIN 1460 (1982) for Slavic languages and supplemented by DIN 1460-2 (2010) for non-Slavic languages.
The languages covered are Bulgarian, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian. For comparison, ISO 9:1995 is shown in the table below.
Alternative schemes: ISO/R 9:1968 permits some deviations from the main standard. In the table below, they are listed in the columns alternative 1 and alternative 2.
- The first sub-standard defines some language-dependent transliterations for Belarusian (BE), Bulgarian (BG), Russian (RU), and Ukrainian (UK).
- The second sub-standard permits, in countries where tradition favours it, a set of alternative transliterations, but only as a group. It is identical to the British Standard 2979:1958 for Cyrillic romanization.[18]
Cyrillic | R 1954 | R 1968 | 1995 | RU | BE | UK | BG | SH | MK | ||
basic | alt. 1 | alt. 2 | |||||||||
А а | A a | A a | A a | Yes | |||||||
Б б | B b | B b | B b | Yes | |||||||
В в | V v | V v | V v | Yes | |||||||
Г г | G g | G g | H h (BE, UK) | G g | Yes | Regional | Yes | ||||
Ґ ґ | Ġ ġ | G g | G̀ g̀ | No | Yes | No | |||||
Д д | D d | D d | D d | Yes | |||||||
Ѓ ѓ | Ǵ ǵ | Ǵ ǵ | Ǵ ǵ | No | Yes | ||||||
Ђ ђ | Đ đ | Đ đ | Đ đ | No | Yes | No | |||||
Е е | E e | E e | E e | Yes | |||||||
Ё ё | Ë ë | Ë ë | Ë ë | Yes | No | ||||||
Є є | Je je | Je je | Ê ê | No | Yes | No | |||||
Ж ж | Ž ž | Ž ž | Zh zh | Ž ž | Yes | ||||||
З з | Z z | Z z | Z z | Yes | |||||||
Ѕ ѕ | Dz dz | Dz dz | Ẑ ẑ | No | Yes | ||||||
И и | I i, Y y | I i | Y y (UK) | I i | Yes | No | Regional | Yes | |||
I і | I i | Ī ī | I i (BE, UK) | Ì ì | Archaic | Yes | No | ||||
Ї ї | Ji ji | Ï ï | Ï ï | No | Yes | No | |||||
Й й | J j | J j | Ĭ ĭ | J j | Yes | No | |||||
Ј ј | J j | J j | J̌ ǰ | No | Yes | ||||||
К к | K k | K k | K k | Yes | |||||||
Л л | L l | L l | L l | Yes | |||||||
Љ љ | Lj lj | Lj lj | L̂ l̂ | No | Yes | ||||||
М м | M m | M m | M m | Yes | |||||||
Н н | N n | N n | N n | Yes | |||||||
Њ њ | Nj nj | Nj nj | N̂ n̂ | No | Yes | ||||||
О о | O o | O o | O o | Yes | |||||||
П п | P p | P p | P p | Yes | |||||||
Р р | R r | R r | R r | Yes | |||||||
С с | S s | S s | S s | Yes | |||||||
Т т | T t | T t | T t | Yes | |||||||
Ќ ќ | Ḱ ḱ | Ḱ ḱ | Ḱ ḱ | No | Yes | ||||||
Ћ ћ | Ć ć | Ć ć | Ć ć | No | Yes | No | |||||
У у | U u | U u | U u | Yes | |||||||
Ў ў | Ŭ ŭ | Ŭ ŭ | Ŭ ŭ | No | Yes | No | |||||
Ф ф | F f | F f | F f | Yes | |||||||
Х х | H h | H, h | Ch ch (BE, RU, UK) | Kh kh | H h | Regional | Yes | ||||
Ц ц | C c | C c | Ts ts | C c | Yes | ||||||
Ч ч | Č č | Č č | Ch ch | Č č | Yes | ||||||
Џ џ | Dž dž | Dž dž | D̂ d̂ | No | Yes | ||||||
Ш ш | Š š | Š š | Sh sh | Š š | Yes | ||||||
Щ щ | Šč šč, Št št | Šč šč | Št št (BG) | Shch shch | Ŝ ŝ | Yes | No | Yes | Regional | No | |
Ъ ъ[19][20] | Ă ă, " | ʺ | Ă ă (BG) | ʺ | Yes | Archaic | Regional | No | |||
Ы ы | Y y | Y y | Y y | Yes | No | ||||||
Ь ь | ʹ | ʹ | ʹ | Yes | No | ||||||
Ѣ ѣ | Ě ě | Ě ě | Ě ě | Archaic | No | ||||||
Э э | Ė ė | Ė ė | È è | Yes | No | ||||||
Ю ю | Ju ju | Ju ju | Yu yu | Û û | Yes | No | |||||
Я я | Ja ja | Ja ja | Ya ya | Â â | Yes | No | |||||
’ | ", ’ | ″ | ’ | Archaic | Yes | No | Regional | ||||
Ѫ ѫ[19] | Ȧ ȧ | ʺ̣ | Ȧ ȧ (BG) | Ǎ ǎ | No | Archaic | No | ||||
Ѳ ѳ | Ḟ ḟ | Ḟ ḟ | F̀ f̀ | Archaic | No | ||||||
Ѵ ѵ | Ẏ ẏ | Ẏ ẏ | Ỳ ỳ | Archaic | No |
See also
- ^ a b "ISO 9:1995: Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters -- Slavic and non-Slavic languages". International Organization for Standardization. Retrieved 13 Apr 2012.
- ^ "Iso 9:1995".
- ^ ГОСТ 7.79-2000: Система стандартов по информации, библиотечному и издательскому делу. Правила транслитерации кирилловского письма латинским алфавитом [GOST 7.79-2000: System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Rules of transliteration of Cyrillic script by Latin alphabet] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 3 June 2013. Retrieved 13 Apr 2012. - authentic Russian version of ISO 9
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q The "informative" Annex A of ISO 9:1995 uses ISO 5426
hook to left which can be mapped to Unicode's comma below U+0326 (while the ISO 5426 also has0x50
cedilla which can be mapped to Unicode's cedilla U+0327), it also uses ISO 54260x53
hook to right which can be mapped to Unicode's ogonek U+0328. See for example's ISO 5426 mapping to Unicode or Joan M. Aliprand's Finalized Mapping between Characters of ISO 5426 and ISO/IEC 10646-1. - ^ a b ISO 5426 mapping to Unicode; Joan M. Aliprand: Finalized Mapping between Characters of ISO 5426 and ISO/IEC 10646-1; The Unicode Standard: Spacing Modifier Letters.
- ^[dead link]
- ^
- ^ "Standard - Information and documentation - Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters - Slavic and non-Slavic languages SS-ISO 9 - Swedish Institute for Standards, SIS".
- ^ "Magazin ASRO". Archived from the original on 2019-02-13.
- ^
- ^ "Sklep PKN".
- ^ "ČSN ISO 9 (010185) - Technické normy ČSN".
- ^ "Uni Iso 9:2005".
- ^ "Spletna trgovina SIST - SIST ISO 9:2005".
- ^ "Evs-Iso 9:2011".
- ^
- ^ Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Bulgarian (Balgarski)
- ^ Lua error in Module:Cite_Q at line 13: attempt to index a nil value.
- ^ a b In Bulgarian, ъ and ѫ are not transliterated at the end of a word (where it occurred in the pre-1945 orthography).
- ^ In Russian and Belarusian, ъ is not transliterated at the end of a word (where it occurred in the pre-1918 orthography).
External links
- Transliteration of Non-Roman Scripts – A collection of writing systems and transliteration tables, by Thomas T. Pedersen. PDF reference charts include ISO 9.
- Transliteration of Russian into various European languages
- CyrAcademisator Bi-directional online transliteration of Russian for ALA-LC (diacritics), scientific, ISO/R 9, ISO 9, GOST 7.79B and others. Supports Old Slavonic characters
- Lingua::Translit Perl module covering a variety of writing systems. Transliteration according to several standards including ISO 9 and DIN 1460 for Cyrillic.
- ISO 9 transliteration
- (in German) IDS (Informationsverbund Deutschschweiz, 2001) Katalogisierungsregeln IDS (KIDS), Anhänge, "IDS G.4: Transliteration der slavischen kyrillischen Alphabete Archived 2017-03-01 at the Wayback Machine". Universität Zürich. URL accessed on 29-02-2012 (PDF format, in German)—ISO/R 9 1968 standardization of scientific transliteration.
- RUS1.NET — 1:1 (univocal) transliteration map for learners of Russian, links to free auto-translit/IME tools for chrome/Firefox.
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- Romanization of Cyrillic
- ISO standards
- ISO romanization